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All-around Breakdown: ATOM DRIVER Guitarist/Vocalist Mark Segal Breaks Down Is Anything Alright EP (Nefarious Industries)


Nefarious Industries presents Is Anything Alright, the latest EP from New Brunswick, NJ-based ATOM DRIVER, uniting current and former members of Deadguy, Good Clean Fun, and more. ATOM DRIVER formed in the fall of 2016 when guitarist and vocalist Mark Segal (formerly of New Brunswick Indie Rock band Boss Jim Gettys,) bassist Justin Ingstrup (ex-Good Clean Fun,) and drummer Mike Polilli (Buzzkill) set their sights on blending classic and current Noise Rock, Indie Rock, and Post-hardcore influences with a love of Punk & Metal. The trio made their debut with the 2017 EP Slackjaw, produced by Steve Evetts (Hatebreed, Dillinger Escape Plan, Snapcase, Sepultura) and released on local label Powerbunny 4x4. Two more self-released EP's followed: In The West, later that same year, and Here They Come, The Hornets in 2019.

After re-assessing their musical vision in 2020, ATOM DRIVER recruited Chris "Crispy" Corvino (Deadguy, Second Arrows) to handle vocal duties. As soon as masks could come off, the group recorded six new songs with Joseph Dell'Aquila at Exeter Recordings in Freehold, New Jersey. What they emerged with was a more frantic and p*ssed off vocal style layered over some quite accessible noisy Indie Rock with nods to bands like The Monorchid, Hot Snakes, Motörhead, Tomahawk, McClusky, and God Bullies. We talked ATOM DRIVER guitarist/vocalist Mark Segal into providing us with an All-around Breakdown for the entire Is Anything Alright EP. Is Anything Alright is now available in multiple formats on Nefarious Industries.

"Easy Lover" is a straight-out rocker. There are no punches pulled with this one. We decided it is a good lead-off track because it is easily digestible and a lot of fun. This is our interpretation of 12-bar Blues. Structurally, maybe… but, then, again, not really. Take a listen and you can decide.

"High Protocol Party" is a saucy little number. The dissonant tones that lead off the track set the stage for the three-chord-over-4/4 pattern. There’s a touch of the Fugazi in it, but more[so a] tip-o-the-hat than anything else. I blame myself. My back-up vocals have a Guy Picciotto[-like] quality.

"Happy" is the red-headed stepchild of the bunch. Chris ["Crispy" Corvino] (vox) challenged us to write something "pretty." This track is the result. "Pretty" is in the eye of the beholder. To me, it's "pretty" because major chords are used instead of my go-to minor chords (or even "uglier" options.) That being said, it is a lot of fun to play and even more, nice ear candy.

"I Have Become A Monster" is raucous, angry, gritty, and aggressive. It has a nice mix of Noise Rock and other dissonant flourishes. It's a really good one when you want to listen to something LOUD. It IS a monster. By the way, Chris ["Crispy" Corvino] is saying "strandbeest" in the verse. Google it!

"Seven" is aptly-named because the parts are played in cycles of seven. I am proud of this one because it doesn't feel weird, even though that last sentence could make it sound like we were trying to do something à la Rush. Nope. It is nice and noisy.

"Porchlight" wraps up the EP with lightning speed. It checks all the boxes: it is short, fast, and fun. This tune should be a favorite for anyone who loves a good rhythm section track. Mike [Polilli] & Justin [Ingstrup] (drums and bass) really hold down the fort on this one.


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