"THE LIONS "In The Dungeon" unplugged performing "WHEN IT RAINS" off the brand new record Soul Riot on Stones Throw Records. Thanks a ton to Ross Harris and Stanley "Babylon Burning" Gonzales for direction and sound," The Lions exuberantly wrote on their Facebook page Thursday afternoon upon the release of their first unofficial video release behind third album, Soul Riot. "Our first attempt at a proper video for "When It Rains" didn't turn out how we'd hoped, but we are actively searching for directors and have a couple in mind... We did do an unplugged performance that came out great though," Lions ringleader Dan Ubick said in a brief follow-up email preceding our recent second interview conducted for this very site, The Witzard; alluding to a filmed and since scrapped proper "When It Rains" video treatment, as well as what's seemingly amounted to the just-released The Lions in the dungeon unplugged footage. I had initially contacted Ubick after spotting Stones Throw-affiliated Japanese artist @munguni's 2-piece "The Lions in dungeon" rudimentary artwork, somehow amazingly drawn and shared in a matter of mere hours after Stones Throw initially uploaded it.
The Lions then proceeded to exclaim, "Wow! Check out this great illustration artist Munguni [at] Instagram was inspired to draw after the release of "The Lions In The Dungeon" video aired yesterday!!" on Facebook, along with a very special shout-out: "Thanks to Matt "The Witzard" Horowitz for the link!" But that's enough of my mindless gloating ha, and back to the "When It Rains" unplugged video treatment... in lieu of a flashy expensive proper video, director Ross Harris and fragmented Lions group members Black Shakespeare, Malik Moore, Dan Ubick, Davey Chegwidden, Dave Wilder, Deston Berry, and Alex Désert instead opted for a stripped-down, bare bones performance of "When It Rains" filmed in what appears to be one of Stones Throw's back storage rooms. The Lions phenomenal Jamaican sun-drenched New School Reggae third album, Soul Riot is currently available in CD and mp3 download formats at Stones Throw (sadly, 2LP vinyl is out-of-stock for the time being), but in any format, the album is highly recommended for the upcoming onslaught of Summery beach BBQ's, pool-side loungin', and inherent all-around good times!
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