Vic Ruggiero Speaks On The Slackers' "Nobody's Listening," Live At Ernesto's! 2xLP Re-issue, Rancid, Transplants & More (The Witzard Interview)

Victor "Vic" Ruggiero is a Bronx, New York-based musician, producer, and multi-instrumentalist, who's best-known as the keyboardist and frontman of beloved Ska band, The Slackers. Ruggiero has, also, spent time playing with Stubborn All-Stars, Sic & Mad, SKAndalous All-Stars, Crazy Baldhead, Da Whole Thing, The Silencers, The Mooks, and Reggae Workers of The World. He's released several solo albums, EP's, and singles and has, additionally, been featured on recordings by Rancid, Transplants, P!NK, Tim Timebomb, and more. The Slackers recently released their latest 12-inch/digital single, "Nobody's Listening" B/W "Sleep Outside," as well as a vinyl re-issue of 2000's Live At Ernesto's! originally a CD-only release on Hellcat/Epitaph, with Pirates Press Records. Just a few months ago, we purchased a digital copy of Lauren Napier & Vic Ruggiero's collaborative Duets, Vol. 1 EP released on Chicago-based imprint Happy As A Lark. We initially reached out, via email, and soon ended up texting back-and-forth with Vic Ruggiero himself. Vic soon agreed to partake in an interview for The Witzard, primarily focusing on the three aforementioned releases, as well as his work with Rancid, Transplants, and much, much more. Below, strategically scattered throughout our interview, you'll be able to find purchase links for The Slackers' "Nobody's Listening" B/W "Sleep Outside," Live At Ernesto's! 2xLP, and Lauren Napier & Vic Ruggiero's Duets, Vol. 1 EP. Plus, you can keep tabs on Vic's solo music here and all things The Slackers right over here.
Matt "The Witzard" Horowitz
Punk, Hardcore & Ska-thusiast
I. How did your recent livestreamed Slackers show, held on Saturday, August 1st, initially come to fruition?
Vic Ruggiero: August 1st was the best one yet, I think. We finally trusted that the technology would work and so, we loosened up a bit. Plus, it's a pretty charged time in America and we need to be expressing ourselves. Politically and just as humans.
II. So, how did you go about selecting the opening bands for said virtual live gig, The Pietasters, The Bar Stool Preachers, CATBITE & DJ Bass Harmony?
Ruggiero: We just put it on our websites and social media...
III. What inspired you guys to remix, re-master, and effectively re-issue 2000'a Live At Ernesto's! on multi-colored 2xLP vinyl variants through Pirates Press Records?
Ruggiero: I think, it's been about 20 years or just a little more, actually... and we've had a lot of success with the other re-issues. Not to mention, this one never came out on vinyl in the first place. Back when we made it, Epitaph wasn't into making vinyl for it. I think, we had to convince them to do a live record; we knew it would be a great one and... everybody loved it. It really showed people why they should come to the gig. I would always say, "just come in, you'll probably like it."
IV. When/how was The Slackers' new Pirates Press 12-inch, "Nobody's Listening" B/W "Sleep Outside" written and recorded during this global pandemic?
Ruggiero: We did these on our winter tour of 2019. We started playing "Sleep Outside" again because everywhere we go in The US, there are giant homeless communities. Back when The Slackers first played this, I was just singing about myself and all the folks that might end up sleeping in the park in-between apartments. But THIS in America now is crazy. It's like the Hoovervilles of The Great Depression. If people think there's a GREAT TREMENDOUS economy... massive amounts of homeless people are not making me believe them. We've always tried to play in the moment and "Nobody's Listening" is just about how I feel talking to somebody who says, "everything is going great for America." I'm, honestly, surprised we'd be arguing about such simple ideas, like "racism is bad," "people dying in the streets is bad," or "science is real." But that's what inspired this song. And thank you, Pirates Press for releasing our music. It ain't some bullsh*t "she used to call me on my cellphone" lyrics.
V. You've appeared on a number of Rancid albums, including Life Won't Wait, Indestructible, and Let The Dominoes Fall. What's your relationship like with Tim & The Gang these days? How did you end up appearing on their records?
Ruggiero: Rancid brought The Stubborn All-Stars on tour in the 90's. "Timebomb" and a couple of their songs had organ and they had no organ on stage, so I offered to play... the rest just fell together. They like 70's Ska, Reggae, and 2 Tone 'cuz it's very tied in with the Punk they play and I became the kinda "expert witness" they'd call in for the sessions. It started with keys, but, then, I did a ton of demos and song-writing with them. Tim & [I] recorded a whole separate album of some of those songs with [some] amazing musicians, like Josh Freese, who we met when he was playing with DEVO. Even Simon Chardiet and guys from Hepcat were on those sessions. But, then, the records got shelved... I recorded so much stuff with Tim... very frustrating 'cuz, y'know, I play music and just put it out if I think it's good... maybe, it was too much my sound? Or he was looking for something different?
I'm annoyed because we recorded some of the best stuff I've ever played on with Brody [Dalle], his ex-wife... and that just got dumped because of the relationship, I guess... and, then, The Transplants kinda happened. I was asked to tour with that group, but I don't know... it wasn't looking like it was gonna be my thing. Still, I ended up on the record 'cuz those rhythms we did were just kinda ideas we were fleshing out from things that were written on the road, I think. One of them ended up on a P!NK record... like that... the music biz... y'know... I'm an artist... I put the art ahead of personal things and I chance if the art is gonna ruin my life... that's me haha. But that's me... Rancid always treated me great... no complaints... and people still come to shows wearing Rancid patches. I see them around here and there and who knows, maybe, one day, we [will] make some more music. And they [will] release The Silencers recordings!!! hahaha.
VI. How was your latest solo release, Duets, Vol. 1, with Lauren Napier for Haply As A Lark written, recorded, and prepped for its digital release?
Ruggiero: That one we were hanging around Chicago for Slackers dates and I was looking for a solo show or things to do, so my buddy, Anthony [Abbinanti], is always saying to come record. Lauren & I just sang two songs we liked and Anthony & I played them Reggae! Viola!!! Magic... like a real Reggae session... take a couple of non-Reggae tunes and make 'em with a Reggae beat!!!
VII. Do you have any current plans for record and release any additional installments on your Duets EP series for Happy As A Lark? If so, who else would you like to duet with?
Ruggiero: Y'know, Anthony is amazingly good at making Roots Dub sounds... really, any lyrics, anybody... it could happen... I think, now that Lauren knows she sounds good with a Reggae beat, that's always a possibility now.
VIII. So, we're big fans of Transplants' 2002 self-titled debut and very recently noticed you contributed to a couple tracks... how in the world did you end up providing piano embellishments to "California Babylon," "We Trusted You," and "Down In Oakland?"
Ruggiero: Oh, I answered that... haha. [EDITOR'S NOTE: See Question #5!]
IX. What can you tell us about the creation of The Slackers' latest "Sleep Outside" (Quarantine Music Video?)
Ruggiero: That is from a live performance we streamed... it's so easy sometimes to just play something good and then, POOF!
X. What else can you tell us about the mysterious 12" UV Digitally-printed Vinyl element on the B-side of your new "Nobody's Listening / Sleep Outside" record?
Ruggiero: That, I know nothing about... I sing the songs.
XI. What next for The Slackers, following the recent limited/wide release of your latest "Nobody's Listening / Sleep Outside" 12-inch?
Ruggiero: We got a few new singles in mind. I wrote a bunch in The Quarantine and so, we're doing a recording session soon. Also, we got another Pirates Press release in-the-can just waiting for release... and a split with The Aggrolites on Badasonic Records from Belgium.
XII. Just out of curiosity: how did your super-limited edition 2009 Hanukkah 7-inch, complete with Bad Brains-inspired sleeve artwork, come together?
Ruggiero: That, you gotta ask Agent Jay.
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