In an earnest effort to shake the improper/negative connotation too often associated with the term, "gay," Lil B (Brandon McCartney) has titled his most recent effort I'm Gay (I'm Happy) . The controversial album title has already garnered McCartney much praise and disdain, from both ends of the spectrum. Early Thurs. morning, without prior announcement... The stream-of-consciousness Bay Area rapper [often lovingly referred to by fans as "#BASEDGOD" ] uploaded the 12-track collection to iTunes . Later that same night, @LILBTHEBASEDGOD liberated I'm Gay to the masses, via a Mediafire link . Attached was a Twitter message [Tweet]: "CUZ I LOVE YOU IF YOU DONT HAVE 10 DOLLERS TO BUY MY NEW PROJECT HERE IT GOES FOR FREE." Featuring a sound simply described by @LupeFiasco * as "MF DOOM x Ghostface x Kanye," I'm Gay showcases a cover designed by artist, Uncle Grumpy ; Essentially, a 2011 creative flip of Ernie Barnes' famo...