"IN CASE [YOU] MISSED IT EARLIER, "THE TURNING POINT PERFORMANCE OF MY CAREER,"" Action "Bam Bam" Bronson ecstatically, 1/2-jokingly Tweeted late Wednesday afternoon; He's in fact referring to a recent pseudo-concert at Saint Hilda's, a local old folks home which Noisey UK has established some sort of relationship with and "arranged a surprise visit from the hottest rapper on the planet." While most recording artists get pretty stoked when the opportunity arises to play Madison Square Garden, Wembley Stadium, Red Rocks, etc. Bronson has a reputation for throwing mildly outrageous, slightly left-of-center concert experiences.
It seems like he'll gladly play just about anywhere for a decent price... Tweeting "THIS IS BY FAR, MY MOST ELECTRIFYING PERFORMANCE OF MY CAREER!!!!!!" not long after performing "Strictly 4 My Jeeps" for the confused seniors. While the majority of Saint Hilda's old-timers didn't necessarily "enjoy" Action Bronson's performance or "understand" what he was saying, the ladies generally thought that he was a handsome, charming, well-bearded young man, and gave his overall performance a score of 5.2 (average). Action Bronson's excellent, Harry Fraud-produced SAAAB STORIES EP is currently available online through VICE Records/Warner Bros. and it seems like there's an endless stream of partially finished projects in-the-works and steadily nearing completion.
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