Cut Chemist & Biz Markie Video Director Joseph Armario & Animator Matt Taylor Shed Some Light On "Moonlightin' with Biz" (The Witzard Interview)

"Back in the 90's, when I first got on the phone with Biz Markie, he told me he had a 7-inch of my favorite Donovan song, "Get Thy Bearings," with an instrumental flip. "Why did you rap over the vocal on "I Told You?'" I asked. "I sampled the instrumental and put the vocals back in because it sounded better," was his reply. Four years after that conversation, I worked with @danube_productions [The Sand Dollars] and we actually, created a "Get Thy Bearings" A/B-side combo, as The Biz described, in homage to one of the greatest record collectors Hip-Hop produced. As deep as Biz is, though, he didn't have Apple & The Three Oranges' LA über-rarity, "Moon Light," one of my dude Madlib's favorite Soul songs. Mine, too. It's one of @cutchemist's, too. He and Biz made a song around it for his latest album [Die Cut]. Peep his Bio for more info. "Moon Light! Clear skies!" Love that sh*t."
- Egon (@nowagain)
I. How exactly did both of you get involved with Cut Chemist & Biz Markie's "Moonlightin' with Biz" music video from Die Cut?
Joseph Armario (Director): I had been documenting the making-of Die Cut for Luke [Cut Chemist]. When Biz came in town, Luke really wanted to do something special, something different than all the previous studio work. So, I put a white backdrop up in Luke's house and Biz did a couple takes into the camera, possibly for a music video down the line. This was in 2012.
Fast-forward to early 2018: the album is getting ready to drop, so Luke and I start talking videos. There was a guy in Chicago in the 80's who hijacked a couple television signals and broadcast some weird-a$$ footage over them. I thought, this could be a fun premise for mixing the Biz footage with animation. Luke liked the concept and this was probably, right around when I ran into Matt at Bigfoot [Lodge] and we were on our way!
Matt Taylor (Animator): I got involved in animating "Moonlightin' with Biz" when Joey hit me up about it, while we were hanging out at Bigfoot Lodge here in LA.
II. What did each of you contribute and how was it all put together to create the final "Moonlightin' with Biz" video that has now been released?
Joseph Armario: I think, we started with a big brainstorming session, where we figured out all the places we'd want animation and then, came up with a bunch of ideas for what those animations would be of; Matt would go to town and fire back these incredible animated clips, which I would then, run through old video processors I circuit bent to give each clip an authentic analog texture and psychedelic flavor. It was a lot of fun!
Matt Taylor: I contributed all the character design, animation, and text. I'd bust out animation, then, send it over to Joey, who composited. He got into this stuff called "circuit-bending," which sent the animation into a new magical realm.
III. What are each of your professional backgrounds like and how exactly did you come together to collaborate on "Moonlightin' with Biz?"
Joseph Armario: I mainly work directing live-action, short form projects. I had always wanted to work with an animator and had been a fan of Matt's work for a while. So, when the opportunity presented itself, it was a no-brainer to collaborate!
Matt Taylor: I've been animating for a while now, mostly kickin' it at Titmouse, Inc.
IV. What types of note-worthy or widely recognizable projects have each of you fellas worked on through you careers?
Joseph Armario: I was a ghost on the Travel Channel's Weird Travels; only one episode. See if you can find me.
Matt Taylor: I've worked on lots of [adult swim] shows like Metalocalypse, Superjail! and King Star King. I also, directed the Rick and Morty Exquisite Corpse [promotional short].

V. Have either of you ever met Cut Chemist & Biz Markie or have you previously collaborated with either of them in the past?
Joseph Armario: I've been friends with Luke for quite a while now and we have collaborated on many fun projects; I shot the Die Cut album cover and directed the Renegades of Rhythm concert film, amongst other things! Only got to hang with Biz one time. As you can see, it was magic!
Matt Taylor: I got to meet and go over ideas with Cut at Joey's house.
VI. Now that "Moonlightin' with Biz" has been effectively unleashed to the terribly unsuspecting masses, what are you currently working on to be released next?
Matt Taylor: I just wrapped some other freelance [work] I can't really talk about... so, I'm going to catch up around the house and take care of some laundry and dishes next. Maybe, go on a walk and see how the neighborhood is doing.
Joseph Armario: My dog is sitting here reminding me to walk her. Hey, maybe I'll see you out there, Matt!
EDITOR'S NOTE: Shout-out to Joseph Armario & Matt Taylor for participating in this comprehensive interview at The Witzard! Their collaborative "Moonlightin' with Biz" video for Cut Chemist & Biz Markie can be viewed above. Follow Joseph Armario (@jonu) and Matt Taylor (@tayliquor) on Instagram to stay up to date on their various artistic endeavors. In addition to the works mentioned above, Armario's portfolio can be viewed at and Taylor's body of work can be viewed at "It's The "B" to The "I" to The "Z" M-A-R-K-I-E. Cut Chemist is down with me because I'm Ze Original; ain't no one with material like me..." - The Clown Prince of Hip-Hop

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