3 Feet High & Rising: Philly "Doomgazers" dreamswell Return with First Single "Stale Flowers" from Full-length Debut (SPOILED)

dreamswell are a self-proclaimed "Doomgaze" (Doom Metal + Shoegaze) band hailing from Philly. Formed about four years ago, dreamswell consists of Candice Martello, Jon Martello, Gina Piccari & Madalean Gauze, who initially bonded over a shared admiration for seminal Shoegaze bands, such as True Widow & Slowdive. "dreamswell, stemming from the gritty music scene of Philadelphia, is the collaboration of four familiar Philly music scene faces, who have come together to hit hard, get muddy, and whisper lightly," reads a description on their Facebook page. I also, catch sonic allusions to equally "gloomy" bands like Silversun Pickups, Cults, The Smashing Pumpkins, Baroness, The Cure, Siouxsie & The Banshees, and Echo & The Bunnymen. After having released a 2-act EP series throughout 2017-18, dreamswell have returned with the first single from their debut full-length, SPOILED. "Stale Flowers" definitely evokes the aforementioned Doomgaze sound and "lightly whispered" vocal delivery with a bit more Silversun Pickups-indebted cascading Surf Rock guitar riffs. dreamswell have previously rubbed shoulders with Philly music scenesters and The Witzard regulars, ialive of The Hell Hole Store & Cold Rhymes Records and acclaimed music video director, Bob Sweeney; dreamswell, actually, recruited Sweeney to film and edit the the video for "Temporary" from their self-released 2018 EP, Act 2. dreamswell's Gina Piccari was kind enough to provide us with an exclusive statement on "Stale Flowers" and their forthcoming album. dreamswell's SPOILED will become available this upcoming Tuesday, June 25, 2019 on Bandcamp, as well as "select online sources."
"So, these songs have been a part of our lives for a few years now and we finally were able to record and mix and master them the way we heard them in our heads—recorded by Matt Poirier and mastered by Andy Clarke.
We, ultimately, wanted to tell a story through the whole record. We want people to relate to the songs and feel something, whether that be sad, happy, angry, or even "wow, this sucks," as long as they are feeling something, [then], I think, we made a good record. I hope that when people listen to the record straight through, they can remember a time in their lives where they felt what we are saying and feel some sort of connection with it. I think, that as humans, we have a lot of things in common that we don't necessarily think about on a day-to-day basis and it's good to remember that we aren't the only ones who feel it.
The main story of the record for me is: "even though everything looks and seems beautiful and perfect on the surface, there's always an underlying negativity that is crushing the liveliness of it all; but, in the end, finding even the smallest bit of something to hold on to can cut the weights from your ankles and make the dead ugly stuff seem, actually, [pretty] cool and beautiful." I know that sounds so corny and, like, emotional haha, but when you think of "spoiled," it's always something beautiful that turned rotten... whether it's kids, people, smells, flowers, food... but all of these things were beautiful once and can turn back into something beautiful again..."
- Gina Piccari (@dreamswellmusic)

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