Jason Griff & Alex Ludovico Share Creed-directed "Watch Me Mane" Music Video from Collaborative SCARF TISSUE EP (#MedicineMondays 2019)

I've still been trying to get back on track following our 2-week honeymoon/vacation to Italy back in March, but, at this point, I'm probably not gonna get fully "back on track" until next year. However, with that said, one of my favorite releases since returning home was and still is SCARF TISSUE EP, the first collaborative release from Alex Ludovico & Jason Griff—sometimes, simply, referred to as "Griff" or "Jason/Griff." It's a quick 5-track burst, less than half the length of your standard Extended Play (EP) although, it's an extremely strong offering! While travelling across Italy, I was luck enough to get in touch with both Griff & Alex Ludovico and we were able to set up an track-by-track EP breakdown exclusively for The Witzard. I've very recently been hearing rumblings about a music video for Jimmie "J.J." Walker-referencing "Dy-No-Mite!" as well as a rumored 3-way collaboration between Griff & Alex Ludovico AND Philly emcee Scorcese... but, instead, Griff & Alex Ludovico have surprise-released a music video for SCARF TISSUE's "Watch Me Mane." Directed/Shot/Edited by Creed for xodustudios, "Watch Me Mane" only spans the duration of 1 minute & 13 seconds, but it's an undeniably fun clip, nonetheless; Creed has artistically inter-spliced grainy footage of a dimly-lit Alex Ludovico frantically rhyming along with "Watch Me Mane" juxtaposed against 1990's Basic Cable-reminiscent TV static, as well as footage from, what looks like, a Hanna-Barbera cartoon. Alex Ludovico & Griff's SCARF TISSUE EP is now available to purchase, stream, or download wherever fine music is still sold. Plus, stay tuned for additional details concerning that purported Griff x Alex Ludovico x Scorcese super-spittin' emcee/beat team-up.
Alex Ludovico: "IT'S. ABOUT. THE. BARS. I heard this beat in an even shorter form and I just knew that this was designed for me to go in. A lot of times, as creatives, we're always looking to expand things. I have always been about minimalism, before Marie Kondo was a thing! I wanted to make sure I murdered this beautiful beat Griff gave me. I feel like I stepped up to the challenge; punch listeners in the face and get out!"
Jason Griff: "When Alex sent me the first draft of this song, I asked him when he was going to do a second verse or if we want to do a feature or whatever and he was like, "nah, that's it. That's the whole song." At first, I was hesitant, but, then, realized this is a Rap version of, like, a Charles Bronson song. Just a short intense blast and then, it's over in under a minute."
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