Jason Griff & Scorcese Lorde Jones Team Up for Dream Team: A Stokely Hathaway Joint (Griff/Scorcese Recording Conglomerate, Inc.)

Dream Team: A Stokely Hathaway Joint is a project that's long been in-the-works from Chicago-based producer Jason Griff and Philly emcee Scorcese Lorde Jones, here, known together as Griff/Scorcese. Dream Team... was originally pitched as a mixtape in celebration of the independent wrestling circuit, as well as Hathaway's unique, Hip-Hop indebted approach to the artform. However, it eventually evolved into a full-fledged album based around the ideals and inspiration of the esteemed 1996 Source Award Winner, publicist, and manager, Stokely Hathaway—now signed to WWE/NXT as Malcolm Bivens. Dream Team... is entirely produced by Jason Griff (Alex Ludovico, Zilla Rocca) and primarily performed by Scorcese Lorde Jones AKA Scorcese FKA Scorcese Shells (2-Man Power Trip... Gods Know) with cinematic interludes and embellishments from Stokely Hathaway AKA Malcolm Bivens himself. Dream Team... is, indeed, Wrestle/Wrassle Rap at its finest with slickly inter-woven lyrical allusions to Flex Kavana AKA Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Paul Heyman, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Austin Theory, "Classy" Freddie Blassie, Ric Flair, and plenty more. Also, here for tag team-like assists are Sauce Hei$t, Jamal Gasol, Mr. Lif, Vic Spencer, Curly Castro & Zilla Rocca (GRIFT COMPANY/Wrecking Crew,) and M.Waisome for a special album-closing remix. It should, also, be of particular note that both Memetic Supply Co. & @p.i.c._ether submitted artwork from Dream Team... and it's mass media build-up/roll-out.
Earlier this year, we were fortunate enough to conduct and publish an all-inclusive interview with Griff/Scorcese, along with a special double-premiere of "Flex Kavana" Feat. Vic Spencer AND Dream Team... opener "Pink Flamingo Weather." "So, Stokely gave me two directives: he wanted a "Rick Ross-style" album and he wanted it to "sound like New York." He approved all the records and made sure to direct me to his best samples," Scorcese exclusively told The Witzard within said interview. Scorcese Lorde Jones has been adding to an ongoing #BREAKDOWN [THREAD] on his Twitter page, @JihaDScorcese, in which he'll be meticulously breaking down each track from Dream Team... over the course of next month or so. Dream Team: A Stokely Hathaway Joint is currently available on your digital streaming platform of choice and is, also, directly available from Griff/Scorcese on Bandcamp in a number of exclusive packages and formats: the #1 Contenders Bundle, Dream Team: A Stokely Hathaway Joint (Limited Edition CD,) Legends Only T-Shirt, CHAMPIONS Shirt (Size Medium ONLY,) and Dream Team: A Stokely Hathaway Joint (Limited Edition Cassette.) Griff/Scorcese have very recently made THE SIGNING BONUS CD from the #1 Contenders Bundle available on it's own, as well, which includes FOUR new B-Sides, TWO M.Waisome remixes, and TWELVE super-exclusive instrumentals from Dream Team...
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