3 Feet High & Rising: New Emcee Visitor Shares Debut Offering "Fruit Day 1," Via Exclusive Cold-sent Emails (The Witzard Interview)
Last week, we received a mysterious cold-sent email including only an MP3 entitled "Fruit Day 1" and the above image. It was attributed to a new artist going by the name of Visitor. From our understanding, said song, "Fruit Day 1," was sent out to a selection of parties, who might have been interested in listening to, writing about, sharing it, etc. Honestly, that's about all we can say, at the moment... but those well-versed in Underground Hip-Hop might hear something a tad bit familiar. However, it's easy to see Visitor is a well-versed, introspective emcee, who sincerely loves and enjoys what they do. Some of our personal favorite lines includes: "if he's tryin' to come correct, then, hit me up and, maybe, we'll connect. You'll wind up interviewin' for the few and the select. Better pay your dues or you know who will come collect. And though it's entertainin', I am not an entertainer. When I'm not on the scene, I steam zucchini with a strainer..." Visitor was kind enough to answer a few of our questions for an impromptu interview, which you can now peruse below, along with an exclusive TheWitzard.com stream of "Fruit Day 1."
Matt "The Witzard" Horowitz
Hip-Hop/Boom-Bap Enthusiast
I. What's the significance behind the opening line of "Fruit Day 1," as transcribed below? "Here is to your health. I'm not Homeboy Sandman. I am someone else..."
Visitor: Pretty straight-forward. Just wanted people to know right off the bat that I'm not Homeboy Sandman. I could see there might be some confusion, given the circumstances, so just wanted to clarify off top. As far as the "health" line, the song is good for you, not like unhealthy rubbish cats be listening to.
II. What can you tell us about your debut single, "Fruit Day 1?"
Visitor: I did a 90-day anti-candida diet, which allowed for barely any fruit. The only exceptions were lemons, limes, coconuts (but not the water,) and avocados. Evening of the last day of the diet, I began this song. The following day, I finished it. It was my first day having fruit in three months. It was "Fruit Day 1."
III. Now that "Fruit Day 1" has seen a limited release, what do you have planned next?
Visitor: What do you mean, "limited release?" Every release in the world is a "limited release," unless every single person in the world receives it, right? So, I don't understand calling my song a "limited release." It's released. I texted it to people. I emailed it to people. It's released. Don't be trying to call my release "limited" just because I released it how I wanted to, instead of the way you figure things should be released. I don't have anything planned next. I'm working with a beat currently that K-Nite did. It's really beautiful. I'm hopeful God sends me some music for it. I'd be very grateful.
IV. Who produced "Fruit Day 1" and what inspired its thought-provoking lyrics?
Visitor: It's a Diamond D [Diamond & The Psychotic Neurotics] beat from Stunts, Blunts & Hip-Hop, co-produced by Large Professor. I re-formatted it just a bit to rhyme over the part he uses as the "hook." I've been feeling inspired lately. God has re-shaped my life. Renewed my faith, renewed my vigor, and given me lots to think about.
V. What would you cite as some of your major sources of inspiration and influence behind "Fruit Day 1?"
Visitor: Diamond D, watermelon.
VI. Where can people go to stay updated on whatever you may have planned next?
Visitor: I don't know. I guess, they could come to my apartment, but most people don't know where that is.

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