"BALTIMORE HIP-HOP DESTRUCTION" Group @soulcannonband Unveil Funk-tastic Self-titled Third Album (Mailing List Review)

First and foremost, major shout-out to Soul Cannon for sending out FREE Bandcamp download codes to everyone subscribed to their mailing list over the weekend. While their latest self-titled album has been on our radar for a few weeks now, we have to admit, that complimentary download code was really what it took for us to delve head first into the album just this past weekend. Now, with that out of the way, this brand spankin' new Soul Cannon album is phenomenal! Eze Jackson's Twitter page (@ezewriter) describes him as the "Frontman for @soulcannonband. Reporter for The Real News Network. Host of The Whole Bushel." Eze has been steadily making and releasing music since 2007, if not longer, and his most recent project is a string of 008 weekly Soundcloud singles dubbed #StashHouseSundays. In addition to Eze Jackson, Soul Cannon also, includes Matt Frazão on guitars/electronics, Jon Birkholz on keys/electronics, and drummer Charles Wilson. Although, Soul Cannon's most recent self-titled album still features drum fills throughout from one-time Soul Cannon drummer Nathan Ellman-Bell.
Soul Cannon self-describe their genre-eschewing sound as "Experimental/Hip-Hop (from the future)" and "BALTIMORE HIP-HOP DESTRUCTION what's up?" While Eze, Matt, Jon & Charles readily describe themselves as "93% real juice, 7% ABV, and all-natural*," obviously. I would, however, personally describe Soul Cannon's sound, as heard on Soul Cannon, at least, as something sonically similar to Rage Against The Machine, Phony Ppl, and the Beastie Boys with a bit of their own unique flair thrown in, for good measure. Just this past week, Soul Cannon partnered up with Dominican Republic-based online publication VENTS MAGAZINE to premiere the music video for "Hospital Records." "Socially, lyrically, and physically, it's always about pushing the limits with our music. Sometimes, we write things we can't play yet because we always want to do more and be better," Jon Birkholz told VENTS MAGAZINE within said video premiere. Soul Cannon's current and upcoming shows are listed on the Events section of their Facebook page. Soul Cannon's self-titled third album is now available to purchase on their Bandcamp page, as well as all reputable digital streaming platforms.
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