Titus Andronicus Share Mysterious "2020 TEASER" Clip... In Honor of The 10th Anniversary of The Monitor? (XL Recordings #MON1T0R)

Earlier this morning, Titus Andronicus posted a rather cryptic video on their band YouTube page simply entitled "TITUS ANDRONICUS - 2020 TEASER." It came packaged along with this block of text within the Description section: "On March 9th 2010, Titus Andronicus released their landmark album The Monitor. On March 9th 2020, Titus Andronicus released this cryptic video. What does it mean? Stay tuned to find out..." along with the cryptic hashtag #MON1T0R. The monitor was, of course, Titus Andronicus' sophomore album and follow-up to Seinfeld-referencing The Airing of The Grievances. It included soaring contributions from frontman Patrick Stickles and a who's-who of 2010 Indie Rock musicians, family, and friends, including Brett Bondar, Ian Graetzer, David Bentley, Eric Harm, Greg Farley (Conor Oberst,) Andrew Cedermark, Dustin Wong (Ponytail,) Pete Feigenbaum, Kevin McMahon (Diarrhea Planet,) Ian O'Neil (Deer Tick,) Jenn Wasner (Wye Oak,) Liam "The Younger" Betson, Elio DeLuca (BAKED,) Okey Canfield Chenoweth "as Abraham Lincoln," Cassie Ramone "as Jefferson Davis," Craig Finn (The Hold Steady) "as Walt Whitman," Nolen Strals "as William Lloyd Garrison," Alex Tretiak, Ian Dykstra (Sheer Mag,) Peter Buettner, and Dean Jones.
I, personally, first got into Titus Andronicus around the Local Business/LLC Mixtape Vol. 1 phase around 2012, so I missed The Monitor by a couple years, but I know it's widely loved by fans of Titus, Punk/Hardcore, and music, in general. Late last year, my buddy Mitch & I went and saw Titus live for the first time at First Unitarian Church in Philly with rising stars Partner and let me tell you, it was one of the most fun-loving, extremely sweaty, enjoyable concerts I've ever been to. It's currently unclear what Titus Andronicus may or may not be planning for the 10th anniversary of The Monitor; however, the aforementioned clip makes allusions to 2010/2020, as well as POLAND, ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, CANADA, and AMERICA. Mitch seems to think we're getting "a Monitor tour and maybe, are-master. Maybe." You can ead more of Mitch's musical predilections, reviews, and cultural musings now at Mitch's Minute. Here's a recently published Stereogum feature penned by Ryan Leas on the continued importance of The Monitor on this, it's 10th anniversary. Titus Andronicus' latest effort, An Obelisk, is out now, via Merge Records. If you haven't heard it yet, The Monitor is still available on streaming services, via XL Recordings, as well.

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