"Bam Bam Bronsonelli" himself announced that he has a number of projects currently in-the-works, set to rival his highly successful 2011 output(s). Action Bronson set Twitter ablaze last night, Tweeting about 3 upcoming releases: "Blue Chips" mixtape with Party Supplies (February), Tommy Mas-produced sophomore effort "Mr. Wonderful" (Summer 2012), a currently [finished] untitled album with The Alchemist, and a project entirely made up of Harry Fraud beats. It seems as though Action Bronson wasn't happy with JUST taking over Underground Hip-Hop, he's prepping to dominate the mainstream market in 2012 A.D!
Merely minutes after the stream of announcements, Action Bronson liberated a BRAND NEW Party Supplies-produced sampler track, "Mistletoe" (Remix). Bam Bam spits a few quick bars over a chopped and edited version of Justin Bieber's recently-penned Christmas jingle. Now, you can knock the man, but don't knock "the hustle." Bieber's holiday album, Under The Mistletoe has sold nearly 2 million copies since October!
Action Bronson spins the tale of a promiscuous ex-lover who, "Now likes to snowball guys... and [has] lacerations on her shins, knee pads like Pat Ewing." While Action Bronson's slightly vulgar "Mistletoe" (Remix) might not exactly be kosher for your upcoming family gatherings, it'll fit right in on that "Christmas 2011-12 Playlist." Happy Holidays, my friends... "A Festivus for the rest of us!"
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