From The Depths of Bikini Bottom... DJ Cummerbund Reviews SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical (The Witzard Exclusive)
DJ Cummerbund is a mash-up artist and video remixer hailing from New York. He describes himself as the "Reigning World Mash-up Champion (2018-present,) Celebrity, Philanthropist & Dapper Man," as well as readily proclaiming he's "the greatest DJ on the entire planet!" The Witzard first encountered DJ Cummerbund back in Dec. 2016, after someone posted his phenomenal Foo Fighters/Rick James mash-up, "Freaktender," online. I soon reached out to the email address listed on Cummerbund's YouTube page and before long, was in contact with his "handler," J. Gary Gildersleeve at Gildersleeve Artist Management; although, over the past two years, I've had very little contact with DJ Cummerbund himself... until very recently. I noticed on Instagram—looking back, I believe, in real-time—that @djcummerbund had recently attended a showing of SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical AKA The SpongeBob Musical at The Palace Theatre in New York.

Then, following a brief exchange of comments on one of DJ Cummerbund's SpongeBob pictures, I was soon instructed to "dm" him and asked Cummerbund if he might be interested in penning a review of The SpongeBob Musical for The Witzard. So, please, scroll down and enjoy DJ Cummerbund's... let's just say, very unique interpretation of SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical. If you're unfamiliar, I strongly suggest checking out Cummerbund's top-notch mash-up videos on his YouTube channel and if you feel so inclined, donate to his Patreon page. I'm told DJ Cummerbund is currently working on an EP's-worth of original material to tentatively be released within the second quarter of 2019, if not sooner. It seems as though Cummerbund's Uncle Peter Phoenix, however, has been "making egg salad sandwiches in [the] studio" and it's been holding up the recording process. I was personally asked by DJ Cummerbund to publicly "SHAME" his Uncle Peter. TWADDLE, BABY!!!
"Act I: meh...
Act II: much better!!!
In my humble opinion, seeing a 2-D cartoon acted out in original human form without any cheesy costumes: BRAVA!!! The whole show was family-friendly, with a few jokes sprinkled in for the older generation. I was sitting in the audience, hoping I wouldn't get recognized. Thankfully, I was only approached a few times with everyone else respecting my mother and her happiness. Anyway, I digress... the show was slow to start, but the actors grabbed fully onto their characters and hit a home run. It's a shame that it's closing... go see the show, if you get a chance. The DJ commands it!!! "

"POST-SCRIPT: The story [as] a whole, to me, represented a WWII storyline. SpongeBob was obviously, an Emperor Hirohito-type character. Which idolized the freedom and care-free state of Japan. He wanted so hard to make everyone happy that he forgets his own [happiness].
Sandy Cheeks: SpongeBob's loyal sidekick. Though, she is supposed to be independent, she's actually, very much dependent on the adoration and respect of The Sponge.
Squidward: This character represents The Irish community. Though, he comes through his facade with sarcasm, you can feel the sense of depression and longing for help. At the start, you can see the pain of The Irish, but by the end, you get the sense of American troops (AKA Mr. Krabs) coming to free his mind with Capitalism.
All I'm saying [is,] if you can't happen to catch The Broadway show, watch Garfield: The Movie (2004.) It's the same thing; just look through the playful characters."
- DJ Cummerbund (@DJ_Cummerbund)
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