Homeboy Sandman & Edan Serve Up A SLICE OF HUMBLE PI with "Grim Seasons" & Announce Collaborative Full-length (Stones Throw)

Bar for bar, Homeboy Sandman is easily, one of the most talented and somehow still, criminally under-rated emcees in all of Hip-Hop! I've personally been a Sandman fan since his 2012 Stones Throw debut, First of a Living Breed and since, he's worked with the likes of Blu, Jonwayne, Paul White, Jake One, L'Orange, 2 Hungry Bros. RJD2, Mono En Stereo FKA El RTNC, 88-Keys, and maybe, most notably, Aesop Rock; between 2015-17, Aesop & Sand infested the masses with Lice, Lice 2: Still Buggin' and Triple Fat Lice to wide-spread critical and fan acclaim. While we're still waiting for a proper Lice full-length, Homeboy Sandman has teamed up with kindred spirit, Brooklyn-based DJ, producer, and emcee, Edan, for a brand spankin' new collaborative effort. Edan is arguably, one of the greatest and most eclectic artists in all of Hip-Hop and while he hasn't released a proper album since 2005's Beauty & The Beat, he's been moderately active and still very in-demand. In recent years, Edan has appeared on esteemed projects from Mr. Lif, Blu, DJ Format, Memory Man, Your Old Droog & Wiki, Cut Chemist, and Homeboy Sandman. Now, this is where the dots start to connect... Edan produced "Talking (Bleep)" from Sandman's 2016 amidst-Lice 2: Still Buggin' album, Kindness for Weakness. "Their collaboration took off from there: whenever they could find a few open hours, they'd write and record in Edan's Brooklyn studio," Stones Throw revealed within a recent press release. After posting "Success! Physical objects come soon..." along with a TEST PRESSING dated 7 / 16 / 18, Edan & Homeboy Sandman have returned to properly announce Humble Pi.
"We're serving Humble Pi," says Sandman. "Humble math. Pi is a magic number." Magic and humility, he says, can coexist. "From time to time, folks need a couple slices of humble pie as a reminder of real magic." Not only have we learned their collaborative full-length will be dropping on October 26, 2018, Homeboy Sandman & Edan have also, liberated the quasi-follow-up to "#NeverUseTheInternetAgain" with teaser single #2, "Grim Seasons." It fits right in with the moody, uniquely fresh sonic framework laid out by "Talking (Bleep)" and "#NeverUseTheInternetAgain" and personally, I can't wait to hear how Humble Pi will sound from front-to-back. "Grim Seasons" is accompanied by a starkly animated music video by Kagan McLeod with an almost watercolor-type feel to it; we don't get a glimpse of Homeboy Sandman & Edan until the last few seconds of "Grim Seasons," wherein they're dressed like 1940-50's soda jerks akin to Stones Throw's "#NeverUseTheInternetAgain" single cover. So, for the time being, enjoy "A SLICE OF HUMBLE PI" served up by Homeboy Sandman & Edan with the full course expected to be served up Friday, October 26th on Stones Throw Records. Plus, if we're led to believe Edan's own Facebook Biography section, "EDAN SEND FOURTH ALBUM [UNFINISHED] TO QUEEN OF ENGLAND; QUEEN OF ENGLAND GIVING TAPE TO MIKE LEWIS IN HEAVY PRESSURE SECRET. MIKE MAKE LABEL..."

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