"SERVED WELL SINCE 2017:" Introducing... WAXNERDS: A UK-based Hip-Hop Imprint & 26-member Collective (Label Spotlight)

Waxnerds is a 26-member UK-based record label and Hip-Hop collective. It consists of members DJ Mark-One AKA Mark-Oner AKA Mark-Onerism (@markonerism_waxnerd_no.1) Matt Love, Jamez Gant, Danny Bounce, Nic_Good_Life, DJ Dan Ball, Fatwax45, Slick_DWG, Tommy T, DJ Sam-B, DJ Benny-Ben, Matt_P8S, Kev Dinked, Pooky_DJ, Mojaxx-DJ City, DJ Flipout, DJ Deebow, MarkJames-Brazil, Brett-JayB, Funkymunky66, Vinyl-Trooper, Sie-Vulture, Jeyone, Real-One, Shoesy, and DJ Samo. First formed by Mark-One(r) in 2014 as an Instagram Chat Group, Waxnerds quickly morphed into a full-fledged label and functioning collective. "Moving forward, the combined enthusiasm of Mark-One, Matt Love & Jamez Gant got the label up and running..." Waxnerds' Bandcamp page charismatically explains. Mark-One tells The Witzard that over time, each of Waxnerds' 26 crew members will have an opportunity to release their own 7-inch/digital single on the ever-evolving imprint. Since 2017, Waxnerds has released 10 7-inches: limited runs of 30-80 lathe-cut 45's for #WAXNERDS001-004, a double-pack re-press of 001/002, and properly-pressed runs of 500 for #WAXNERDS005, 003.5, 006 001.5/004.5, and 007.
Just yesterday, I received a package from "across the pond" from DJ Mark-One containing 3 Promo-only 7-inches: Pooky's "Flippin' The Disco" B/W "Tux Redux" (WN003.5,) Good Life & Pooky's "Faith Like This" B/W "Just Buggin' Out" (WN006,) and The Realmatics & DJ Mark-One's "Made You Look" B/W "I Know You Got Soul (In The Garden of Eden" AKA WAXNERDS 1.5/4.5. The latter, being a re-press of two of Waxnerds' most popular 45's thus far, The Realmatics' remix of Nasty Nas' "Made You Look" from #WAXNERDS004 on Side A and a remix of Eric B. & Rakim's "I Know You Got Soul" from Mark-One Edits Vol. 1 on Side B. The Realmatics, of course, are Steve Lavers on guitar/keys, Waxnerds' own Danny Bounce on bass, Nicol on percussion, and Dev on drums; DJ Mark-One's Side appears to not only be a remix of Eric B. & Rakim's "I Know You Got Soul" from Paid In Full, but also, a seamless blend with Iron Butterfly's "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" AKA "In The Garden of Eden." #WAXNERDS007 will ship out on or around Monday, October 1st and is currently available for pre-order in 7-inch "Singles" and "Doubles" packs, as well as digitally. It will feature Tommy T's "Watch The DJ"—a remix of Zhané's "Hey Mr. D.J."—on Side A backed by "Let's Have Some Funk" and BONUS "Funky Scratch Samples" on Side B.
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