Right around the time of its [her] Winter 2009 inception, viral muse "iamamiwhoami" was Speculated to be the new alter-ego of Popular songstresses like
Following the release(s) of a string of numerically coded "[animal] teaser clips," a set of legit [lettered] songs was slowly unleashed. Throughout the course of 2010, "b," "o," "u," "u-1," "n," "t," "u-1," and "y" were subsequently released as Amazon/iTunes singles. Internet-savvy fans should be able to locate an unofficial EP compilation of the tracks and their companion remixes - "To Whom It May Concern."
Upon closer inspection, it becomes apparent that this most recent release ["; john" *], is the first visual released by the iamamiwhoami Camp since "20101104" - a now deleted teaser, originally uploaded about 6 months ago... Sans that, the last legit song released was August 4, 2010's "y."
Surf on over to Jonna/Claes' iamamiwhoami YouTube Channel to view the complete collection of [clue-filled] videos and songs. A Nov. 2010 midnight show, dubbed "In Concert," can be downloaded in full from iTunes and similar retailers. Wikipedia holds a surprisingly in-depth batch of audio/visual-related riddle analyses, as part of their iamamiwhoami Page.
* "; john" has now been released as a digital single, as well... So, look for more new iamamiwhoami music to come to fruition shortly.
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