Anyone remember around like 200-05 when Paris Hilton somehow managed to coin the phrase, "That's HOT!" (loosely meaning crazy, sexy, cool)? Well, I feel like that's kinda how MTV ranks their equally ridiculous annual Hottest MC's list, cause Hip-Hop's such a hard thing to quantize/generalize; It's more about sheer passion, love/loss, money, girls, heartbreak, shared experience(s), etc. While MTV has yet to reveal a finalized list, here's their partial rankings: Meek Mill, Future, A$AP Rocky, Kanye, Big Sean, Drake, Nas, and Rick Ross (#10-3). Kanye soon called into Hot 97, basically lampooning MTV VJ Sway and the network's rapper-ranking process, "I mean, I gave Sway his first TV, man... I was living in Newark [NJ] doing beats for Jay-Z and Beans and all them, and I was getting a new TV and I gave Sway his first TV. I didn't really wanna like even call to talk about the [Hottest MC's] list. I just wanna tell everybody I gave Sway his first TV, and he needs to remember that!"
Danny Brown didn't even give the former music television network a chance to finish counting down their top emcees, before firing off the lyrical sparring match that is "#HottestMC." Foaming @ the mouth over a guitar-and-drum-based Harry Fraud beat, Brown sends a big middle finger to the man, seemingly hoping he doesn't even make the Hottest MC's list; Danny Brown is a criminally under-rated rapper and obviously miles above manufactured commercial clowns like
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