While I'm a long-time Hip-Hop fan and Asher Roth is hands down one of my favourite rappers, I'd almost be a little hard-pressed to certify his latest RetroHash single 100% Hip-Hop. But with that said, "Tangerine Girl" is quite easily one of his most care-free and self-expressive singles yet. Released one day after his third weekly #HashWednesdays campaign, "Tangerine Girl" was directed by buddy Matt Spicer and as Asher Roth himself put it in a fan-club email, "the song made the perfect soundtrack to a bizarre love story at the skating rink, so we did exactly that." It centers around an average Joe working a mundane 9-5, whom we see secretly looking up "russian matures" on his office computer while in-house DJ Asher Roth smoothly croons "Made of money, I was thinking about her all week / Would've treated her to some Grigio, and fresh brie / The way we vibing it reminded me of ice tea / Want to drink it up so baby come and let's leave." After some good ol' mac-n-cheese for dinner, our main character rolls up to the skating rink, lookin' fresh to def in his bedazzled 1970-80's-reminiscent tiger jacket; amidst plenty of awkward stares, he laces up his roller skates as Roth continues to sing the rap-less hook well into the 2-minute mark.
While Asher Roth repeatedly half-stutters, "Bad to the bad to the..." we get our first glimpse of our leading lady, Tangerine herself, seemingly a "russian mature" ha. Their matching light up skates link up during couples skate, as they slowly get closer and closer and let's just say what happens next aren't exactly what you'd call safe for work activities. "Tangerine Girl" is the second released single from Asher Roth's long-delayed second studio album, RetroHash (formerly titled Is This Too Orange? and The Spaghetti Tree). He'll be performing the album in full at Blackheart Bar this Saturday, March 15th with special guests The Pharcyde and Casey Veggies as part of Austin's annual SXSW festivities. Billboard reports that Roth will be showcasing similar "live listening sessions" in Philly, Boston, New York, and Los Angeles ahead of RetroHash's forthcoming April 22nd release. "This record means a lot to me. It's not like, "Here's your song about weed, and here's your girl song, and here's your club banger." It's just an album of songs that Blended Babies and I created while we were hanging out, and we're really excited about it," Asher Roth lamented to XXL in a pre-release December 2013 interview.
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