"Just dropped the first video from #DEATHDRIVE, "Old Gods Ain't Dead," read a brief less than 140 character @mcsole Tweet; "Old Gods Ain't Dead," which was produced by DJ Pain 1, premiered over at French online music magazine New Noise's site early Tuesday morning. I first made contact with Tim Holland aka Sole around 2010-11 during the crowd-sourced album roll-out campaign for his stellar politically-charged "rap as journalism" freestyle series, Nuclear Winter, Vol. 2 (Death Panel). Soon thereafter, he released an album and companion EP with The Skyrider Band, two full-length solo albums across 2012-13, an instrumental Hip-Hop project, and a couple odds-and-ends compilations. "DEATHDRIVE combines modern Pop/Rap aesthetics with the political edge reminiscent of Hip-Hop classics such as Fear of a Black Planet. Sole & DJ Pain 1 utilize the Golden Era Hip-Hop approach of a rapper and DJ without employing gimmicks or rap cliches typical with more formulaic two-turntables-and-a-mic unions," notes their own Indiegogo page. DEATHDRIVE's crowd-source funded album campaign is about 2/3rd's of the way to their $7,500 goal with just seven days left. Sole & DJ Pain 1 previously unveiled "Coal" and non-album track "DECUPERATION" ahead of "Old Gods Ain't Dead," which features a little help from buddy Sean Bonnette from Andrew Jackson Jihad. Those willing to help financially back DEATHDRIVE's "mixing, mastering, video production, [etc.]" processes will receive a number of available gift rewards including: digital or CD hard copy of the album, an Apples to Apples-like card game, hand-made lyric tapestries, custom DEATHDRIVE T-shirts, a DJ Pain 1-assembled "producer kit," and plenty more unique options. While a solid album release date was unavailable at press time, DEATHDRIVE's "select a perk" section lists it's estimated delivery date as roughly May 2014.
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