DRAIN Share "Sick One" from Debut CALIFORNIA CURSED & Re-create Iconic 1987 Santa Cruz Skateboards Poster (Revelation Records)

DRAIN is a Santa Cruz, California-based Metal-tinged Crossover/Hardcore Punk band, who are, seemingly, obsessed with sharks; particularly, late 90's crime-fighting half-man/half-sharks and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles knock-off, Street Sharks. DRAIN first commissioned Raul Cruz to design some Street Sharks-like characters to be featured across the cover for their 2-track Promo 2018 EP, which was, later, slightly modified as the Default picture for the band's Twitter profile, drain831 (@drain831.) Behind the bloodthirsty sharks, DRAIN consists of vocalist Sam "Sammy" Ciaramitaro, guitarist Cody "Codster" Chavez, bassist Justin Rhode, and drummer Tim "Timmy" Flegal. Now, DRAIN have returned with a new single, "Sick One," from their full-length debut, CALIFORNIA CURSED, which, also, boasts shark-laden artwork. It's an adorable little "Baby" Shark designed by Derek Pratt complete with sunglasses, blood drips from his collar, and, of course, Heavy Metal studded wristbands. "Sick One" is definitely, as its title suggests, a "sick one," clocking in at just 58-seconds, but repeated listens will, more likely than not, turn your brain to sludge.
Just yesterday afternoon, DRAIN uploaded "Sick One" to their Bandcamp page and, additionally, shared a visualizer for what they're calling a "succinct, hard-hitting, groove-laden" single. Although, while "Sick One" IS our first official taste of DRAIN's Revelation Records debut, CALIFORNIA CURSED, it, actually, isn't the first song we're hearing from the album... DRAIN's aforementioned Promo 2018 (or 2018 Promo) EP, lo and behold—although, we didn't know it at the time!—featured two additional cuts from then-untitled debut, CALIFORNIA CURSED, "Army of One" & "California Cursed." Only formed as recently as 2016, prior to the release of their Over Thinking EP, DRAIN have already amassed quite the reputation for their impassioned, unhinged live shows, mesmerizing crowds at Sound & Fury 2019, This Is Hardcore 2019, and mostly recently, LDB Fest 2020. "We feel that our shows embody what it means to truly be alive. There is no facade and no cosplay, as to who we are," frontman Sam Ciaramitaro explains. "We just play every show like it's our last and encourage everyone in the room to be whoever they want to be and do whatever they want to do," Ciaramitaro continued.
Another "Fun Fact" about DRAIN: while they're the latest in a long line of Punk/Hardcore bands hailing from Santa Cruz, they seem to be actively paying tribute to their forefathers. Up above, you'll see a poster-sized image of skateboarder Henry Gartland launching himself over a frenzied DRAIN. It's an homage to an iconic 1987-ish shot of skateboarder/Santa Cruz Bicycles co-founder Rob Roskopp hurling himself over BL'AST! in an eerily similar manner. BL'AST! have been active on-and-off since 1983 and their various line-ups have featured Joey Castillo (The Bronx,) William Duvall (Alice In Chains,) Chuck Dukowski (Black Flag,) Dave Grohl, and Nick Oliveri (Queens of The Stone Age.) Scroll Down to see a video on the making-of DRAIN & Henry Gartland's re-creation of BL'AST & Rob Roskopp's iconic '87 poster. DRAIN's full-length debut, CALIFORNIA CURSED, was produced by Taylor Young (Twitching Tongues, NAILS, Code Orange) at The Pit Recording Studio. CALIFORNIA CURSED will be released on Friday, April 10, 2020 on Revelation Records. Pre-orders for the eagerly-awaited 10-track album will go live at REVHQ starting Monday, March 2, 2020.
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