Musicians have been releasing additional video content ("Bonus DVD's") along with their albums since the decline of the CD format - roughly since the early 2000's. I literally have a stack of 10-15 band DVD's in jewel cases down in my basement, but TV on the Radio have quite arguably executed the strongest DVD format-utilizing release. Nearly a year after it's original [digital] release, TV on the Radio have since decided to give Nine Types of Light a proper re-release. Now available on DVD for the first time, the film helps transform 11 lush, Experimental tracks into an intricate, yet completely "sound" video album. Nine Types of Light has since been nominated @ the upcoming Grammy's (2012) in the category of "Best Long Form Music Video."
TV on the Radio commissioned various directors and friends to create clips for each of Nine Types of Light's 11 tracks... an album which was then slightly re-arranged to form an hour-long short film. Native New Yorkers were interviewed concerning a number of topics: life, death, love, dreams, etc. and inter-spliced between the 11 separate music videos. Some may be surprised to learn that the final product is actually one well-thought out, cohesive work of film. I've included TV on the Radio's [abridged] trailer below, Nine Types of Light can also be pre-viewed on YouTube, and alternatively ordered over @ Amazon. Trust me - It's one truly unique piece of work! Kick back and enjoy, my friends!
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