The go-to phrase has always been, "Party like a Rockstar," but in recent months, I've almost learned that rappers party even HARDER! In a unique promotional effort for their upcoming film, the people behind Project X teamed up with Vice Records... producing a series of short animated YouTube clips dubbed, "PARTY LEGENDS." Delicately sub-titled as "an oral history of absolute insanity," a handful of colorful rappers/actors have re-told the tales of their craziest party-fueled experiences. Precursed by the likes of Snoop Dogg, A-Trak, and Tyler The Creator _ Nas is the latest rhymesmith to present his own f*cked up story. He proceeds to lay down the details behind some random Queens[bridge] "kegger" gone terribly wrong, which was then re-re-animated by Jesse McLaren.
It's nice to hear these generally "HARD" [tough] rappers mellow out a bit and tell some fun-loving stories! Tales that I bet we can all relate, even if only in the slightest sense, Remember: It's really only a "good night" if you really can't recall jacksh*t about it in the morning and are missing @ least one article of clothing! ha ha. Nas is supposedly working on 2 separate albums with Common and DJ Premier; Project X, which I figure almost HAS to have some sort of crazy/shocking "someone's dead" plot twist... is in theaters nation-wide, this upcoming March 2nd (Friday).
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